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财政部 国家税务总局




(Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation May 131994 [94] Coded Cai Shui Zi No. 020)

Whole Doc.

To the financial departments (bureaus) and tax bureaus of various
provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the
central government, to the financial bureaus and tax bureaus of various
cities with independent planning and to various sub-bureaus of Offshore
Oil Tax Administrative Bureau:
In accordance with the spirit of the related stipulations of the
Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and the
regulations for its implementation, the Circular On Some Policy Questions
Concerning Individual Income Tax is hereby given as follows:

I. Questions concerning the levying of tax on individual industrial
and commercial units
(1) The expense deducting standard for the proprietors of individual
industrial and commercial units and the wage deducting standard for the
employees shall be determined by the tax bureaus of various provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities. For the expenditure of interest on
the loans borrowed by the individual industrial and commercial units
during the period of production and operation, that part with legal
certificate and not higher than the amount calculated in accordance with
the interest rate for loans of the same category and in the same period
which are extended by financial institutions shall be allowed to be
(2) For the plantation, agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing
industry operated exclusively by individual industrial and commercial
units or individuals, when the items they operate come within the dutiable
scope of agricultural tax (including special agricultural product tax, the
same below) and animal husbandry tax and on which agricultural tax and
animal husbandry tax have already been levied, no more individual income
tax shall be levied; when their operational items do not come under the
dutiable scope of agricultural tax and animal husbandry tax, individual
income tax shall be levied on their earnings. For those who concurrently
operate the above-mentioned four industries and the income from which are
calculated separately, the matter shall be handled in light of the
above-mentioned principle. For those from whom individual income shall be
levied, individual income tax shall be calculated and levied on the
combined income earned from the production and operation of other trades;
when the income from the four industries cannot keep separate accounts,
individual income tax shall be levied on the whole lot of income.
(3) For the profits earned from the joint management of individual
industrial and commercial units and enterprises, individual income tax
shall be levied on the items of incomes such as interest, dividends and
(4) When individual industrial and commercial units and individuals
engaging in production and operation have various items of taxable incomes
earned from unrelated production and management activities, individual
income tax shall be calculated and levied separately according to

II. The incomes listed below are exempt from individual income tax
for the time being:
(1) Housing subsidies, food allowances, moving fees and laundry fees
gained by individual foreigners in the non-cash form or in the form of
being reimbursed for what they spend.
(2) Travelling allowances at home and abroad gained by individual
foreigners in accordance with rational standards.
(3) The visiting relatives expense, language training expense and
children education expense gained by individual foreigners, that part
considered to be reasonable through examination and approval by local tax
(4) Money awards gained by individual's crime-reporting, assisting in
investigating various law-breaking and criminal acts.
(5) The withholding service charge gained according to regulations by
individual who performs the withholding procedures.
(6) The income gained by individual from the transfer of house which
has been used by oneself for over five years and which is one's only
residential house.
(7) In accordance with the spirit of the Provisional Regulations of
the State Council On Some Questions Concerning the Retirement of Senior
Experts, a document Coded Guo Fa (1993) No. 141 and the Circular of the
General Office of the State Council On the Question Concerning the
Examination and Approval of the Temporary Postponement of Retirement of
Outstanding Senior Experts, senior experts (referring to experts and
scholars enjoying special government allowances issued by the state) who
have reached the age of retirement are allowed to appropriately extend
their age of retirement due really to the need of work, their wage and
salary incomes received during the period of retirement are regarded as
retirement wages and are exempt from individual income tax.
(8) The incomes gained by individual foreigners from dividends and
bonuses of enterprise with foreign investment.
(9) The wage and salary incomes gained by foreign experts who conform
with one of the following conditions may be exempt from individual income
1. Foreign experts directly sent by the World Bank to work in China
in accordance with a special loan agreement;
2. Experts directly sent by the United Nations' Organizations to work
in China;
3. Experts coming to work in China for the UN aid projects;
4. Experts sent by an aid-granting country to China to work specially
for the project granted gratis by the country;
5. Cultural and educational experts coming to China to work for two
years on the cultural exchange project under an agreement signed between
two governments, with their wages and salaries being borne by the country;
6. Cultural and educational exerts coming to China to work for two
years on the international exchange projects of China's universities and
colleges, with their wages and salaries being borne by the country
7. Experts coming to work in China through a non-government
scientific research agreement, with their wages and salaries being borne
by the government organization of the country concerned.

III. Questions concerning the deduction of intermediate expenses The
intermediate expenses, paid by an individual in the process of engaging in
technological transfer and providing labor services, may be deducted from
his income if he can provide effective and legal certificates

IV. With regard to whether or not individual income tax should be
levied on the interest, dividends and bonuses gained by an individual from
grass-roots supply and marketing cooperatives and rural credit
cooperatives, the matter shall be reported by the tax bureaus in various
provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to the governments for
determination and then reported to the Ministry of Finance and the State
Administration of Taxation for the record.






